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I'm a normal human, I want to growing my business and help all the children in Malaysia and in this world. I feel free when I can do something for the children now days. We can see many children has being abuse, rape etc. I want to give them new hope I'm just a normal human and always looking for realistic of life

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The world's oldest olive tree

Olive trees and branches for thousands of years have symbolized peace, wisdom and victory. 

Olive trees are among the oldest cultivated trees in the world. Fruit, oil, shade and timber from olive trees has helped stabilize civilizations dating back to ancient Greece and Rome. Hardy and drought resistant, olive trees are easy to grow in temperate climates such as those in the Mediterranean area, Middle East and California.


Olea europaea

Photo by Julian Barnard

Copyright 2005 Flower Essence Society

How long can a tree survive?

This may make you wonder how long olive trees live for - it is believed that the oldest olive tree in the world is growing in Western Crete in the village of Pano Vouves, this incredible tree is thought to be 3000 to 5000 year old and the perimeter of the trunk is 12m! A branch from this tree was used in the opening ceremony at the Olympics! There is a museum to visit at Vouves dedicated to these ancient trees.

The world’s oldest olive tree photographed by

Lois Berkihiser

Crete and Santorini - 500 year old olive tree

Description: Olive tree about 500 years old
Photo of Zakynthos uploaded by arazzo on sometime during 2010

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